Tuesday, July 2, 2013

He would deliver the paper each week and secretly hoped she would answer the door. She would race her father to the door just for the chance to say "Hi." Janine and Andrew grew up in the same small town of Lewisporte, Newfoundland. There childhood homes a short distance from one another. They were smitten, but wouldn't start dating until they were both graduated high school and moved away from home.
While playing hockey in University with some of the boys from his home town, there she was! The girl Andrew had a crush on as a teenager. Janine was there to watch her two older brothers play hockey. Andrew asked Janine on their first date. Those feelings from childhood came rushing back, but this time the pair were falling in love. For real.
For seven years, Janine and Andrew have stayed side-by-side, accomplished dreams and traveled across the ocean together - they moved to London, England for a period of time while Andrew completed his Optometry Residency. They have been inseparable.
I had the opportunity to photograph their engagement in September. Their love for one another is present in every soft spoken word and the sparkle in their eyes when they look each other.
On Saturday, June 29th they became husband and wife.
Janine's father, Roy passed away ten years ago. Janine attached a photo engraved pendant to her bouquet, so her father would be with her as she walked down the aisle. Beautiful.


Thank you to my new assistant Danielle. Your company and assistance was much appreciated.


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