Monday, July 18, 2016
Eight of her closest girlfriends gathered around while Brittany stepped into her Lis Simon wedding gown. They oohed and ahhed as Brittany's smile lit up the room. In that moment, a girl from a small town in Central Newfoundland became a Bride.
The sun peaked in through the arched windows of the Jubilee United Church (New Wes Valley) and created a sparkle as it reflected off the heavily lacquered wooden pews. Guests quietly searched for the perfect seat. As the soft music began to play, Mitchell stood at the head of church and proudly watched as his love walked toward him - in that moment, Mitchell was a groom. Before taking Brittany's arm, he shook her fathers hand. They exchanged a look of understanding - knowing the girl next to them meant the world to both of them. Her father place her hand in Mitchell's and kissed her cheek. Together, Brittany and Mitchell were Bride and Groom. Soon to be Husband and Wife. Together.
The day was full of sunshine, love, and lots of laughter. What more could you ask for on a wedding day. Brittany and Mitchell, Thank You for putting your trust in me to photograph your first day as a married couple. It was an honor to spend the day with you in New Wes Valley. Much Love. M.

Dad and his girl...
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